Friday, September 16, 2011

Meeting Clare and her Family

Please see this family's FSP and DONATE TO THEM INSTEAD by clicking on ANY PICTURE of Clare.

I have stolen this post, without Suzanne's permission, in order to share their story and their fundraiser. Suzanne has worked her TAIL OFF to raise money to bring Clare home. Friends, it breaks my heart to see her struggle so to raise the funds they need. They need to travel soon to meet Clare and they still need $17,000. Clare knows her mommy and daddy are coming, they send her care packages. Here is Clare opening some gifts and seeing her family in the pictures.

Please, I am begging you, do for them what you have done for Jadon. PRAY. SHARE. DONATE. The following is from Suzanne's blog "Our Chinese Butterfly"

Many people may be reading this for the very first time, so I would like to tell everyone the story of our Clare.


Clare was found abandoned, as an infant and was placed in an orphanage. Shortly after placement she was transferred to Little Flower for hospice care. (Little Flower is a healing home that takes in fragile infants. You can learn more about them by visiting:!/pages/Little-Flower-Projects/230680524654). Clare was sent there to be loved by these wonderful people until she died. But instead of dieing Clare started to improve. Fast forward: She is now 4 years old and has been lucky enough to be able to stay at the baby healing home. She is doing so much more than anyone expected her to do. She has many health problems and has fought for her little life several times. She does not see doctors in China because she is on what is called "palliative" care. She is strictly nursed by the staff of Little Flower. Clare has several congenital heart defects (that we know of): venticular septal defect (intract flow), pulmonary hypertension (mild to moderate), tricuspid valve cusp cleft (partial ECD), tricuspid valve backflow (moderate), and a patent foramen ovale. She also has a cleft lip and cleft palate. Receives all her nutrition through a g-tube. Her diet consist of only pediasure. Clare is also blessed with Down syndrome. She is not considered a "candidate for surgery" in her country. We know here in America she will receive the medical care and the therapies she needs to greatly improve her life!


We have requested that our paperwork be expedited so we can get Clare home as soon as possible and start caring for her medical needs. We are still awaiting word from immigrations as to if they will honor our request. We do know that China is willing to expedite the process on their end. So, we don't want funding to be the reason we are unable to rescue our daughter.

We are approximately $17,000.00 short of being fully funded. We are continuing to hold garage and bake sales to help raise money. We truly believe God is calling us to His angel. He has already blessed us on our journey. When we were in our greatest need, He has provided us with the funds we needed to get to the next step. We don't want to just sit and do nothing, so we have to decided to step out of our comfort zone and ask for help.

This fundraiser will run from Sunday, August 14 to Saturday, October 8th at midnight. Winners will be chosen by: and announced on Tuesday, October 11th, 2011.
With every donation: $10 gets you 1 chance and 1 freebie option.
$25 gets you 3 chances and 2 freebie options.
$50 get you 8 chances and 3 freebie options.

Freebie--is a way for you to earn extra chances. Once you make a monetary donation, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, I am begging here, share this blogpost and that will earn you another chance. If you donate enough for 3 freebies your can also Facebook, tweet or post on your blog about this fundraiser for your other freebies. I hope that makes sense. After you blog or post come back here and let me know you have shared and I will add your extra chances to the fundraiser. If you donate money multiple times over the fundraiser you will earn freebies for that also. YOU must leave your NAME, do not post anonymously because I won't be able to find you, if you are selected.

You can donate to our FSP by using the button on the top right hand of the page or by mailing a check to the address listed above ( be sure and write "CLARE FOR THE FRISTOE FAMILY" on it). BUT, if you donated using the CHIP-IN button, you will earn an extra chance, for being kind enough to help us with our out of pocket expenses.

That was a post from Suzanne on August 14, 2011---please stop by there blog, donate and bless their family. So, we are well, I have no worries. I would love to see the church MOVE in His favor and alleviate the burden for the Fristoe family too. It can be done, His will be done.

Isaiah 1:17 (NIV) "learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow."
James 1:27 (NIV) "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

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